O'Fallon United Church of Christ

O'Fallon United Church of Christ

Sunday worship: 9:45amSunday School: 8:30am (Adults) 9:45am (Children & Youth)No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are WELCOME here!

Music Ministry
Director of Music: Dr. Phil Wilhelm
- Chancel Choir
- Cherub Choir
- Children's Choir and Orff Ensemble
- Handbell Choir
- Day 6, a capella vocal ensemble
- Praise Band

Youth Ministry
Director: Tarrah Norgaard
Assistant: Marshall Jennings
-Active fellowship group for 5th-12th graders that includes activities, trips, mission work, and youth conferences.

Health Ministry
Parish Nurse: Carol Nelson
- Health Ministry Committee
- Prayer Chain
- Visitation Committee
- BeFriender Ministry

Fellowship Groups
Mary & Martha Society: Meets every other month, 1st Thursday at 7:00pm. Open to all women. Onsite childcare is provided.

Book Club: Meets in a home for dinner and discussinon of book selection.

MATTERS: Fellowship group for "Moms and Tots Together Experiencing Real Spirituality." Meets 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:00PM. Nursery available. Also monthly "Mom's Night Out" events scheduled.

Family Fellowship: Group meets for family-friendly activities and mission projects.

Women's Guild: Meets 2nd Thursday of the month, 1:00pm.

50+ Club: Meets 2nd Tuesday of hte month at noon. Luncheons ,trips, events and social activities for the young at heart.

Quilters: Meets every Wednesday morning at 8:30am for quilting, and brown bag lunch at 11am.

Address & Contact
Street: 206 W. Adams St
City: O'Fallon
State: IL
Zip: 62269
Phone: 618-632-3496
Category: Local business
Map & Directions
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